Your Coin May Be Part of a Great Set, Part 1

Sets add value. Golden Art has been working on building a set of great treasures for years. But we don’t own them – you own and have possession of your own coins! Tuesday we begin a new series explaining set building strategies that you can accomplish for...

Your Coin May Be Part of a Great Set, Part 2

We began a new series on coin sets last week. In Part 1 we explained set building strategies that you can accomplish as in individual. In part 2, we will discuss set building strategies that you can be a part of – even if you do not have the resources to build...

Your Coin May Be Part of a Great Set, Part 3

Golden Art has been working on building a set of great treasures for years. Sets add value. Is your rare coin lonely and looking for company? No, Golden Art has not become a match making service! However your coin is already a part of a set and you may not realize it....

How Coins Are Graded, Part 1

With collectibles, condition is everything. For instance, a mint condition classic car may bring a fortune, whereas the same one rusted out may end up in a salvage yard. Clearly in this example, one is better than the other, but how does one assess their condition...

How Coins Are Graded, Part 2

In Part 2 we will continue with in-depth information on how experts grade coins. Our intention is not to make you a coin grader, but rather to make sure you understand the process and how grading can make your coin investments more valuable. With collectibles,...

How Coins Are Graded, Part 3

Condition is Everything. In the third and final class of this series, Greg will teach about the evolution of demand for the best. Golden Art searches for the best because historically that is where the best profits have come. GA is not only searching for the best...

How Coins Are Graded, Part 4

70: The Ultimate Grade. In part 4, Greg will be teaching about the great coins that have been acquired for the Golden Art collection and why they were purchased. Some have reached the pinnacle of perfection of 70. For those fortunate few that can own one, we have good...

How Coins Are Graded, Part 5

Proof-70: The Ultimate Grade. In part 5, Greg will be teaching about the great Proof coins that have been acquired for the Golden Art collection and why they were purchased. Some have reached the pinnacle of perfection of 70. For those fortunate few that can own one,...