Golden Art, Part 3 – Legacy

The legacy of the greatest rulers in history is chronicled through coins. In part 3, we will learn about the great coins of the period just after England’s civil war. While war is always tragic and peace is cherished, this period of history is like a Golden Age of...

10-10-10 Financial Survival Strategy

Don’t be fooled by the title. This is not the “10-10-10 Financial Survival PLAN” from several years ago. We have upgraded this concept to “The 10-10-10 Financial Survival Strategy.” What’s the difference? A plan is a proposal for...

Biblical Coins, Part 2

This is the second in our series on the Bible verses and references that are found on hundreds of rare European coins. Great Britain minted more coins with Bible messages than any country on earth. This week we will focus on the great early Hammered (handmade) Coins...

Biblical Coins Part 3

This is the THIRD Webinar in our series on the Bible verses and references that are found on hundreds of rare European coins. Coins have been minted on English soil since before the time of Christ – for 2,150 years! And they made more coins with Bible references...